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10/04/2025 – Webinar: Survival Tips for Novation

Although commonplace on multi-residential and even government projects, novation operates in a legislative vacuum in the sense that there is not much law to define the roles or rights of the parties involved. This absence of structure places all the more weight on the consultancy agreement and scope of services.

In our April webinar, Wendy Poulton, Principal of informed Lawyers (ACN 635 862 145) will recap the legal foundations of novation, and look at a few recent judgments and reports that shed light on consultants’ post-novation liabilities, especially on the question of what “complete” documentation might look like. We’ll cover the key liability risks in novated consultancy agreements, and ask how these marry up with the practical challenges consultants face once the project is underway.

  • Event Information:


    Thursday 10 April 2025


    1.00pm – 2.00pm (AEST)


    1 formal hour


    General Admission: $80

    (Special prices for Planned Cover clients and informed mailing list using your discount code. Email us for code:

Learning Objectives:

Following completion of this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Review and apply consultancy agreements on novated projects with an understanding of the legal structure in which they operate
  • Produce your documentation with an understanding of the level of completion expected by some key regulatory authorities (using NSW and Victoria as examples)
  • Propose amendments to some of the priority risk clauses in novated consultancy agreements

Units of Competency / Performance Criteria (as per the National Standard of Competency for Architects 2021):

PC 5, PC 6, PC 9, PC 11, PC 37, PC 46