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13/05/2021 and 27/05/2021 – Webinars: Demystifying the Jargon – Part 1 (Insurance) & Part 2 (Legal)

Every profession has its own jargon. Terminology used daily by those within a profession, but which is often foreign to outsiders.  In our May webinars, presenters from the informed risk management team and Planned Cover insurance brokers will demystify some of the jargon which is commonly used in the insurance and legal professions.

These webinars are aimed at those who are new to practice as well as practitioners looking to re-fresh their understanding of some common insurance and legal concepts. Book for one OR both webinars below:

Demystifying the Jargon (Part 1 – Insurance)

missed webinar

Thursday 13 May 2021 (12.30pm – 1.30pm AEST)

In our first ‘Fundamentals’ webinar for 2021, informed Risk Manager Natalie Sullivan and Planned Cover National Business Manager, Cos Cirocco will explain the following insurance concepts and the important practical implications they have for your insurance cover:
•    claims made insurance
•    occurrence based insurance
•    retroactive dates
•    subrogation
•    costs inclusive / costs exclusive excess
•    run-off cover
•    project specific insurance

Demystifying the Jargon (Part 2 – Legal)

missed webinar

Thursday 27 May 2021 (12.30pm – 1.30pm AEST)
In our second ‘Fundamentals’ webinar, informed Risk Managers, Wendy Poulton and Natalie Sullivan will explain the following concepts and outline how they can be used in contracts and related documents to offer you protection or to increase your risk exposure:
•    joint and several liability
•    proportionate liability
•    limit of liability
•    limit of indemnity
•    deeds and agreements
•    contract terminology
•    limitation periods
  • Event Information:

    To book Part 2 only

    Thursday 27 May 2021

    12.30pm – 1.30pm (AEST)

    General Admission: $80

    (Special prices for Planned Cover clients and informed mailing list using your discount code.)

    Discounted Group Bookings Available

    1 formal hours

Learning Objectives
Following completion of these webinars, you will have an improved understanding of some common legal and insurance concepts, be able to interpret and apply these terms with confidence when used in insurance policies, contracts and other key liability documents, and recognise how they can be used to offer you protection or to increase your risk exposure.

Units of Competency/Performance Criteria (as per the National Standard of Competency for Architects)
Part 1 – PC 1
Part 2 – PC 2, PC 5, PC 9