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18/04/2024 – Webinar: Performance under pressure: fundamentals for managing materials

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Rapid technological advances and increasing legislative restrictions mean that the materials of construction will evolve from one decade to the next. Our next webinar examines fundamental principles consultants can apply to evaluate new products as well as existing ones. Harry Nicholas, Principal at Hayball, will consider practical questions like the role of specialist consultants and samples and material boards, as well as the pressures of state government local content policies. Wendy Poulton, Principal at informed Lawyers Pty Ltd (ACN 635 862 145) will recap the broad legislative framework that governs material selection (including a brief note on the DBP Act), highlight the impact of contract terms and scope, and share ideas for procedures to ease the pressures of product substitution and value management.

  • Event Information:


    Thursday 18 April 2024


    1.00pm – 2.00pm (AEST)


    General Admission: $80

    (Special prices for Planned Cover clients and informed mailing list using your discount code.)


    1 formal hour

Learning Objectives:

Following completion of this webinar, you will have gained:

  • Evaluate and appropriately use tools that can support material selection, such as samples and material boards, product substitution request forms and performance solution reports;
  • Navigate practical challenges such as value management and local content policies;
  • Understand and work within the broad framework of law that governs selection and specification of materials for construction;
  • Accurately describe consultants’ responsibilities for material performance in contracts and scopes of services; and
  • Develop systems to manage both existing and emerging new materials.

Units of Competency / Performance Criteria (as per the National Standard of Competency for Architects 2021):

PC 6, PC 12, PC 45, PC 58, PC 59