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24/06/2021 – Half day webinar: Out with the new, in with the old – Reclaiming the Consultant’s design role

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It’s taken five years of inquiries and reports to find out what the industry already knew. In an environment where construction complexity and regulation was increasing, the proliferation of procurement models and new disciplines of specialist advisers has contributed to side-lining of design consultants, builders usurping the design role, and a rise in non-compliant buildings.

From the recent Lacrosse appeal judgement to the new Design and Building Practitioners Act in NSW and proposed similar reforms elsewhere, the pressure is now on for consultants to reclaim control of design detail, and to check that quality and compliance are not compromised by changes in construction.

What will it take to enable consultants to embrace their new (old) role at the centre of design, especially on novated or D&C projects? We’re putting together three hours of thoughts from different perspectives:

  • How consultancy agreements can support you to maintain quality from design to completion – and lessons from Lacrosse on the dangers of performing a reduced scope of services (our law practice subsidiary informed Lawyers Pty Ltd (ACN 635 862 145)
  • Ideas on influencing quality from a novated role (one of our leading architectural practices)
  • Practical impact of the Design and Building Practitioners Act in NSW (our informed by Planned Cover risk managers)
  • Managing pressure points in the superintendent role (architect and expert witness)
  • Working towards a voluntary code of conduct on novation (Australian Institute of Architects)
  • Event Information:


    Thursday 24 June 2021


    9.00 am – 12.15 pm (AEST)


    General Admission: $180

    (Special prices for Planned Cover clients and informed mailing list using your discount code.)

    Discounted group bookings also available


    3 formal hours

Learning Objectives

Following completion of this webinar, you will better understand what the Lacrosse appeals mean for the consultant role, tailor practice systems to the Design and Building Practitioners Act (NSW) (or anticipate similar legislation in other states), be equipped to adapt contracts to support your construction phase role, and be better prepared to fulfil your obligations on novated projects.

Units of Competency/Performance Criteria (as per the National Standard of Competency for Architects)

PC 5, PC 6, PC 12, PC 14, PC 37, PC 44, PC 45