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19/01/2023 – New year, new Risk Managers, and a new domain name

Welcome our new Risk Managers

Winston Churchill once said, “To improve is to change”, something we hold to be true and have been constantly trying to achieve by growing and evolving as a business to provide design consultants with high quality, relevant and up to date risk management and educational advice. We continually strive for excellence in our work and with the people we work with, something which cannot be achieved by merely remaining stagnant and repetitive.

With this in mind, informed by Planned Cover have had a number of changes. Firstly, we’d like to introduce you to our new Risk Managers who joined us late 2022 and are now definitely “on the ground and running”, ready to provide you with practical assistance and CPD education:

    Filomena Maffi – Risk Manager based in Melbourne

    Lisa Wastell-Anthony – Risk Manager based in Brisbane

  Nina Stone – Risk Manager based in Brisbane

You can find out more about their qualifications and experience here.

Apart from our new recruits, Wendy Poulton and Felicity Dixon complete the informed by Planned Cover team and continue to provide Risk Management for clients, and present webinars and live seminars.

Our team of Risk Managers are integral to the informed by Planned Cover service offering. They plan, write, and deliver the program of webinars, articles, and live events you’re used to hearing about, and they also provide value-add services for many professional indemnity insurance clients of our sister business, Planned Cover.

These services include the widely used contract review service that highlights certain kinds of uninsured risks in consultancy agreements, and in-house seminars for larger teams. An interesting fact: in most years, our Risk Managers have been reviewing over 1,500 contracts a year.

They use their legal background to help you keep up to date on current issues affecting the construction industry.

2023: It’s not just the date that’s changed – introducing our new domain name

Secondly, informed Professionals will now be formally known as informed by Planned Cover, with a new website address too: ! Our website will showcase new articles and national webinars this year highlighting the core issues currently facing the construction industry as well as continuing to provide those services which, through experience, have shown to be essential for many design professionals such as our Practice Guides and in-house seminars.

The reason behind the change is to avoid confusion with informed Lawyers Pty Ltd (ACN 635 862 145), which is a separate company owned by our umbrella entity IBL Limited, as well as to further align ourselves with the Planned Cover brand.

If all this change has made the mind boggle, or you simply have forgotten how to get a hold of us, do not despair, our old website address, and email addresses ending in, will still be active however, they will be redirect through to the new ones.

Book our first webinar for 2023

We have just opened bookings for our first webinar for the year Understanding key risk areas for construction professionals – the Claims Experience on 23 February, and we hope you can join us.


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