As 2024 comes to a close, it’s time to reflect on the achievements and challenges that have shaped our company over the past 12 months. This year has been marked by the growth of our team and a continued commitment by informed by Planned Cover to delivering exceptional value to our clients.
In February, we celebrated 50 years of our related business, Planned Cover, supporting construction professionals with risk management solutions that cover their business, career and personal lives. Claim trends and high-risk areas for construction professionals were explored in our February webinar – Words from the Wise: Claims Trends presented by David Fisher and Damian Riggall of Thynne + Macartney. Our Success Strategies for Small Practices built upon February’s webinar, with our Senior Risk / Engagement Manager, Felicity Dixon and Claims Manager Karen Wong sharing their insights into the most common claims made specifically against small practices.
With sustainable architecture taking centre stage in 2024, there is an increased emphasis on reducing carbon footprints and embracing green technologies. New construction projects have pushed the envelope in terms of energy standards and the use of sustainable materials. Construction professionals have been tasked with rethinking how buildings can better serve both the community and the environment. Our April webinar Performance under pressure: fundamentals for managing materials presented by Harry Nicholas of Hayball and Wendy Poulton of informed Lawyers Pty Ltd (ACN 635 862 145), delved into the fundamental principles consultants can apply to evaluate new products as well as existing ones.
The demand on our contract review service remained steadfast throughout the year as construction professionals sought our insurance advice on their agreements. In May, Barrister and Victorian Bar Advanced Mediator Tony Horan presented a practical webinar Negotiation – Putting your Practice in the best position to assist professionals with their negotiation efforts. Our Senior Risk / Engagement Manager Felicity Dixon presented the webinar When to say “No” – avoiding the blame and claim game which discusses the common issues that arise in professional practice within the construction industry. Our article Professional Standards Schemes: There’s a Worm in this Apple also discussed how consultants might manage the risk of engaging sub-consultants whose liability was capped pursuant to a Professional Standards Scheme.
In anticipation of the NSW Building Commission announcing its intention to introduce a new Building Bill NSW 2024 to consolidate nine existing Acts in NSW (including the DBP Act and the Architects Act to name two), we provided the webinar Industry Update – What’s new for you? (NSW focus) presented by Special Counsel Kaveetha Kumar and Elliot Brookes of Clyde & Co Lawyers. This webinar and our article DBP Act and Practice Standards for Professional Engineers explored developments to the DBP Act and other NSW legislation changes in the construction industry.
Ben Robertson, Legal Counsel at Northrop Consulting Engineers also investigated the changes and challenges affecting design consultants in our webinar Engineer’s Insights – Investigating challenges in today’s construction industry.
With the end of the year fast approaching, our October webinar Future-proofing design consultants – NCC 2025 updates and implications was presented by Ross Taylor, Managing Director of RTAS who delved into the high-risk claims area of water proofing pursuant to the National Construction Code and the impact on design consultants.
As inflation gradually subsided from previous highs, rising housing costs coupled with rental shortages together with the cost of living, continued to dominate media headlines and place continued financial pressure on clients. The client-architect relationship, as well as D&C procurement, NCC compliance and disruptive change were explored in the Deep Dive Report into Systemic Risks in the Architecture Sector commissioned by the ARBV and NSW ARB.
Our final webinar in November Design consultants’ responsibilities – Insights from the ARB Systemic Risks Report was presented by Dr Dariel De Sousa of Dart Legal and Consulting who was involved in the preparation of the Deep Dive Report. The webinar discussed the key issues in the ARB and ARBV Systemic Risks Report and the Deep Dive Report as well as how to prevent, and otherwise manage, any non-compliance with regulatory frameworks.
As we reflect on the year’s accomplishments, we look forward to continuing to provide contract reviews and risk management services from our legally qualified team of risk managers, along with our live webinars and online CPD offering which is available 24/7. If you would like to receive emails about upcoming webinars in 2025, please contact and ask to be put onto our mailing list.
In closing, we would like to thank you for your continued support. We hope you have a relaxing and safe break and a great start to 2025.
Filomena Maffi
Risk Manager
This article is only general advice in respect of risk management. It is not tailored to your individual needs or those of your business, nor is it intended to be relied upon as legal or insurance advice. For such assistance you should approach your legal and/or insurance advisors.